old-shoes1-300x241At Patheos, Paul has posted “Change,” a transcription of a channeled lecture delivered in New York City on September 26, 2013.

We will ask Paul a question – what do you want?  That’s your question now.  What do you want?  You will all ask this question eventually because you are in a position to begin to claim in a new way.  The self-identification you’ve had up until today has been released by you each in a new claim of worth.  Consequently, what you have created in accord with old patterns or old requirements of being are being relinquished to new ways, to new possibilities, to new choices that may be made by you in new ways.

You stand in your own ways, each and every one of you, when you question your worth. “Will I get what I want?”  is equivalent to saying, “Am I worthy of what I want?”  And “Am I worthy of what I want?”  is the question you can only ask yourself. Are you worthy of what you say you are, the life you may choose, the creations you may create?  Are you worthy of the song that would be sung as you? Are you worthy of the life that you would lead if you gave yourself permission?